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Next Year's Budget & Slate Planning

Participate in the PTCO's efforts to set the budget and the leadership slate for next year.

Every year the Greenwood PTCO goes through a thorough process to set the budget and select the leadership slate for the Executive Board. And we appreciate input and comments from the General PTCO membership with respect to both - that means you! Keep reading for information about how to get involved.

Executive Board Slate

We'd love to hear from parents who are interested in serving on the Executive Board. The Executive Board includes the President, President Elect, Past President, Fundraising Chair, Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Past Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. Principal DiPasquale is also a member of the Executive Board.

Right now, we are looking for people who would be interested in serving as the Secretary, Fundraising Chair and Assistant Treasurer. Please email us at if you are interested in serving in any of those roles, and make sure to attend the PTCO Coffee Talk (see below) to meet with the current Executive Board and see what it is like to be part of that Board.

2022/2023 Budget

We are also finalizing the budget for next year after the last two years of COVID turmoil. The large majority of the PTCO's funds year over year goes toward covering Teacher Assistant salaries. But there are a lot of other things the PTCO supports as well, including grade-level curriculum, classroom supplies, and teacher grant requests.

The PTCO's Bylaws require the Executive Board to approve the annual budget and the general membership to ratify it. So if you'd like to learn more about what the PTCO does or provide input to the Executive Board about next year's budget, there are three upcoming opportunities for you to do so.

First, you can attend next month's Executive Board Meeting where the Executive Board will be discussing and voting on the proposed Budget

Second, you can attend the General Membership Meeting in May to vote on ratifying the Budget

Third, you can email the PTCO Treasurer at to provide any comments you may have on the currently proposed budget.

To find a copy of the proposed budget, go to the PTCO Documents page. The password for that page is included in every weekly Greenwood Grizzly email.

Join Us for PTCO Coffee Talk!

Finally, If you are interested in doing more to help the PTCO and Greenwood Elementary, please join us at our upcoming PTCO Coffee Talk. The current Executive Board will be available there to answer any questions you may have about volunteer opportunities and the PTCO. We hope to see you there!



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